Sunday, December 27, 2009


This morning, radio BBC carried a panel of journalists, academicians and pundits. The panel reviewed the significant events of 2000 and commented on what issues we will need to deal with in 2010 and the future.

The discussion dealt with the global economy, this country's use of the military in the middle east, and the steps we need to take to assure our safety. But what it came down to was the question, how do we protect ourselves from those whose ideas and actions would do us harm, while not forgoing our own ideals? It seems to me that raising the question would serve us well.

In this age of terrorism, how do we protect ourselves? Do we abandon law and our ability to change laws that are ill conceived? Do we substitute might for right? Do we replace thoughtful deliberation for quick fixes?

Examining such questions could provide us with a steady compass to take us to 2010 and help us understand, we are not alone in this age of terrorism.

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