Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Two men living on the fringes of society, were depicted in the December 22nd edition of the New York Times. Ironically, one was famous and lived in luxury, the other was unknown and with little more than the cloths on his back.

I was struck by the irony because of the riveting front page photo of Anthony Marshall, 85 years-old, as he heard his sentencing in a New York courtroom for "syphoning millions from his mother, Brook Astor." The camera showed a defeated, bitter man.

While on the editorial page, "Appreciation" was given for Ben Kennedy. Verlyn Klinkenborg wrote that the little known Kennedy died just before reaching his 87th birthday in his subsidized housing in Helena, Mont. The writer went on to say, because of Kennedy's appearance,one "could be forgiven for thinking he was a street person." Yet, he was mourned and remembered for the way he helped others.

Two men, one alive, used to a life of luxury and scorned by others. The other, making do with little, sharing what he had with others and seen as a benefactor in death. Ironically, both living on the fringes of society.

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